Kick-starting economic growth is now top of the agenda 

Angela Rayner is reported to have said (30 July 24), “Britain was facing the most acute housing crisis in living memory”. This appears to acknowledge that there is an underlying failure within the housing markets of Britain, well beyond dealing with the rented sector and that this needs to be fully realised and addressed.

As an experienced professional in the property sector I have developed a new and comprehensive planning and marketing solution which can resolve this problem. I merely ask that this is given due consideration by government.

Having been in contact with my own MP about it, I am hoping for a referral of my alternative proposal to The Secretary of State at The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. I would like to generate some in-depth discourse on this, most earnest submission, before long please.

The first question is:- How can my solution help?
It can do so by enabling more buyers, especially first-time ones, to purchase their property for less, rather than being required to borrow more then they can afford. This would mean people’s earnings would enable them to purchase essentials like housing for themselves more easily.

The cost of living would become lower as a result of the changes being proposed, meaning manufacturing and business could become more competitive allowing increased sales of products for export.

This may seem counterintuitive at first sight but it would in fact be a direct way of boosting exports.

The second question is:- How could median house price levels be lowered?
By improving the way houses are marketed, so that prices would depend more on each individual’s level of affordability rather than each having to rely upon borrowing increasingly eye-watering amounts of capital against the property being purchased by way of obtaining increasingly large mortgage loans!

The way this could be done, in brief, would be for buyers to submit arms-length offers (or bids) not to the present-day estate agents but to newly licensed and trained residential house agents (RHAs), contracted to act for them in seeking the best house for their needs.

The job of these new Residential House Agents (RHAs) would be not only to sell or indeed let owner’s houses but more importantly to find and secure the houses which their contracted client(s) are seeking both for themselves and their families – whether these clients are wishing to buy or to rent.

This would be a significant departure from the present system where the seller appoints an estate agent employed by them to obtain the best possible offers (including helping each buyer to borrow as much as mortgage lenders might be willing to lend to the buyer against the property deeds, to be held by the lender as their security).

A knock-on effect if such a new RHA regime, were to be brought in, would be to reduce the land value aspect of each property valuation. By doing this; developers could continue to build at economically viable development costs. This is a well known aspect of residential property valuation.

Reading this, you will no doubt appreciate that matters relating to house price levels are actually somewhat more complicated than they may be at first sight. Surveyors and valuers are aware to this but in my experience, many estate agents sadly are not.

My knowledge of all of this is based upon my valuation training and approximately 30 years experience as a residential property valuer and front line surveyor.

This allows me to isolate ways of enabling lower house prices without adversely affecting the profit level of builders and developers expected to maintain the levels of quality of housing desired, yet allowing the affordability of most housing to improve, at this highly critical time.

For more on this please follow the link below:

The house price affordability crisis

Posted by: Peter Hendry, Housing Valuation Consultant

Author of:– The House Price Solution, otherwise known as The Hendry Solution.

What is causing ever accelerating house prices relative to most peoples’ pay

I have researched what’s causing house prices to rise and fall, as they have over several decades recently.

Having seen programs like BBC Two – Britain’s Housing Crisis, What Went Wrong?
it is clear that more detailed and renewed consideration is necessary to avoid further damage to our housing economy.

The BBC’s recently televised programs explain what the economists currently believe is causing the house price crisis facing homebuyers today.
However,  I myself have come to a very different conclusion from that of the academic community. This might be something to do with the fact that I was trained as a valuation surveyor in the sixties & seventies and I’ve watched the continued cycles of price changes from then, into and through the next millennium – with increasing incredulity.
Seeing this happening, up front and personal so to speak, and knowing how others were feeling about this, has driven me to find and diagnose the real causes. My explanations are not from the viewpoint of an economist but are exclusively from that of a qualified valuer or a working surveyor’s standpoint.

The conclusions I’ve reached are therefore not only unique and easy to understand but are fully able to be used to remedy the house price crisis which we are now experiencing.
What follows is a brief explanation of my findings. The rest of my web site explains my reasoning in full and I hope you enjoy what I am able to describe to you here.

What are actually causing ever accelerating house prices relative to most people’s pay levels are two separate Financialisation anomalies which are both culprits causing house price crises within our British housing markets.
They act rather like a sort of fog, wreaking havoc for those driving their cars but instead, this state of confusion is allowing excessive pricing to not only exist but to accelerate, especially during times of financial stress. My conclusion explains why during such times as we have seen, particularly more recently, house prices tend to keep on spiralling upwards, before the inevitable correction.

If both of these two legislative anomalies were to be removed, housing markets across Britain would start to match general affordability and would also become price stable. This would bring desperately needed price affordability back to those communities that need this for their very survival.

The legislative instruments creating these two anomalies were both conceived a good long time ago. It is therefore perhaps understandable that they have remained intact because each seemed logical when they were originally made into law.

In chronological order, the first of these (anomalies) was the logic of extending the work of estate agents to cover both sides of the sale process of individual houses, both on behalf of buyers buying and sellers owning these.

The original purpose of having estate agents, going back more than a century, was to create specialised offices, essentially to advise large estates belonging to landed gentry for whenever they wished to dispose of land and buildings deemed surplus to requirements. In addition, these offices would negotiate any purchases on behalf of the large landed estates. The estate offices would work solely on behalf of their employers, with a view to negotiating the best price able to be negotiated as and when required. 

The Estate Agents Act 1979 (enacted over 40 years ago), has since enabled estate agents legally to represent single house owners in selling such property as well as to allow any house buyer out there to also be represented. Unfortunately, doing this is causing what we now know of today as ‘Financialisation’ of the housing markets.

It is clear today that for individual house sales, agents should be limited to having to act for and advise the buyer primarily not the seller as well – in order to avoid causing the degree of house price inflation to which I am referring. However, to achieve this would require a change in the Estate Agents Act legislation.

A further explanation about this is given in the web page entitled: ‘This House Price Solution is devised to resolve the current housing crisis completely’. The link is below.

This House Price Solution is devised to resolve the current housing crisis completely

This explains that true market prices can only be determined by supply and demand in a perfect marketplace. In a perfect marketplace, the whole amount of homes on the market would be sold and the demand for them would also be fully satisfied at all times. The present UK housing market as a whole, is therefore very far from perfect!

IF, housing markets around the whole country were near perfect, economically speaking, it wouldn’t take a year or more for each house-move to happen. Houses and flats going onto the market would take much less than a year to attract a buyer ready to complete on their purchase. 

There would then be fewer unsold and empty properties waiting to find buyers. Supply and demand would be in balance. House prices would enable this to happen and would facilitate sales to take place more swiftly than upwards of a year.

On the rental side of things, here markets are in a very different situation. There are far more people wanting to rent than there are rental properties available. Also, the supply of flats and houses is shrinking currently, which is forcing rent-levels to inflate. Demand for these properties seriously outstrips supply, economically speaking. Here, the obvious solution clearly has to be to provide more properties available for rent.

It should be noted however, if there were to be less unsold properties at any one time, there would be a lessening of demand for properties to rent, because more tenants would’ve become buyers! Therefore, improving buyers’ markets would clearly help with lessening the rental-demand side of things as well. That would be an important added bonus for both marketplaces, which is why ‘The House Price Solution’ is the final answer.

The second, and equally damaging piece of legislation for house prices has been the longterm use of some of the provisions enacted under the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 (conceived over 70 years ago). This Act was the first major one to start directing how and when land could be developed, or used for different purposes. It specifically provided for such decisions ultimately to be decided using powers vested in the Secretary of State to appoint a planning inspector. These officers are effectively appointed by central government acting on behalf of The Crown, as being the ultimate owner of all land outright sitting above the legal estates granted in fee, such as freehold interests.

(For those who want to know a little more about land tenure this goes back in essence to William The Conquerer, after which time all land in Britain effectively belonged to The Crown. A freehold title granted by The Crown can be an estate in fee . An estate in fee simple, for example, is the highest estate possible with the least restrictions. However, even that state of ownership is subject to the laws of the land as and whenever they may receive Royal Assent.)

Rather importantly, there has just recently been a new Act of parliament which received Royal Agent on Thursday 26th October 2023. It augments the operation of the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 (as now amended). This new Act of parliament is called the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023.
It has been prepared by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities and comprises approximately 530 pages, It underpins the government’s current levelling up agenda and covers among other things, provisions concerning local democracy and town and country planning. It covers additional details about Local Plan making and Neighbourhood Planning for example.

However, in this newly enacted legislation the Secretary of State still retains the power to finally determine planning appeals by using the existing method of appointing a planning inspector to determine planning applications on appeal, irrespective of the views of the local community or even the local authority, including ones submitted under the new Local and/or Neighbourhood Development Plan rules.

I contend that modern-day decisions on things like land use and planning should, from now on, be allowed to be made locally and democratically, rather than autocratically or dictatorially as happens currently using the existing powers vested in the Secretary of State to appoint a planning inspector.

I contend that whenever a planning decision has been decided at local level, that decision should no longer be able to be superseded on appeal by a planning inspector appointed by central government.

Whilst such determinations may have appeared to have worked well initially in the distant past, as the years have gone by, things of this nature have become more and more fraught. Nowadays, we are all very much aware of the discord surrounding decisions ultimately being decided by planning inspectors whom are appointed by central government. This often happens when they simply do not accord with what local communities actually want and require of course.

Unfortunately again, the damaging aspect of such centrally made decisions is what we know of today as ‘Financialisation’. The result of decisions such as these, being made remote from the communities directly involved, causes progressive damage to the very community that these were originally intended to protect. This occurs through the loss of essential residential uses such as those for local first-time buyers. The result is houses which are mostly priced out of local reach, for local people, and this is the last thing these people currently require.

My suggestion for resolving this is for government to vest those representing local communities with full responsibility for determining local residential planning applications depending on which uses are most needed within the community and as provided for within the democratically agreed and adopted Neighbourhood Plans, subject only to an appeal on a point of law (for example, if there had been some misdirection or misuse of the legal framework of the application or of its tenure of ownership).

[For clarification, this should also mean that instances of National Policy Framework considerations should be within the remit of local planning committees to make determinations.]

It would clearly require a significant change to the existing Town and Country Planning legislation in order to accommodate these new fundamentals.

My conclusion is that with the twin changes pointed out here, local land use and the resulting prices of property being built, would be restored to price levels affordable by those living in their respective areas. Buyers could fairly compete to purchase residential property from sellers without interference by estate agents acting for sellers. Planning uses could be decided democratically using previously approved Neighbourhood Plans.

I contend there would be no downside from a governmental point of view, in accepting such proposals as I have outlined here.

As I say, top down solutions such as planning ones, especially residential planning applications, not only fail often but are becoming extremely unpopular for the reasons outlined. Devolving decision-making to those with the most to loose, (and/or gain), is the only logical alternative. I ask that these proposals therefore be thoroughly debated and I recommend that they be adopted very soon in order to deal with and fully resolve the exceptional difficulties now being experienced in satisfying modern-day housing need at affordable prices.

In peacetime (i.e. whilst our country is not at war with another), residential planning consents should be delegated to all local town or parish councils for them to determine, depending upon local housing need.

This way, genuinely democratic decisions may be arrived at using local decision-makers whom are best able to understand what the current needs of the community are at any particular time.

As a retired residential property valuer I remain convinced that if democratically elected local councillors were to be granted full authority to decide local residential planning applications, the effect of this could resolve the whole housing crisis.

Decisions made by such elected representatives would not be based upon NIMBYism ‘Not In My Back Yard’; quite the contrary!

Instead it would be a question of ‘IN My Back Yard’, as these councillors would be representing the wishes and needs of the local community – not simply trying to resist necessary change!

There could be no finer outcome than this, especially where residential property is concerned, because with this solution these councillors could work to actually resolve the housing crisis which we are now all being affected by, particularly owing to its increasing severity.

Outside links to the BBC:

Episode 1—Series 1 – How politicians promised home ownership, but with policies that sent prices out of reach.

Episode 2—Series 1 – How the strain on housing – from new builds to social homes – reached breaking point.


Watch exclusive interviews with the programme’s contributors

Finally, for more information on the necessary house marketing changes, go to:

The House Price Solution

How to Improve all local housing markets in England and Wales

Posted by: Peter Hendry, Housing Valuation Consultant

Author of:– The House Price Solution otherwise known as The Hendry Solution.

Simply building more houses can’t solve the housing crisis

Obviously we need to get more houses built, both for rent and to buy but developing this as a strategy for calming the housing market is not going to remedy the prices uplift which we have recently experienced. It cannot do that simply because building more can’t achieve anything for as long as the considerable time it would take to actually complete the building of the extra housing required.

The market itself is in need of intervention and this does require the involvement of government. A government that can put effective policies into practice faster than the simple but over-quoted ‘build more’ idea.

My solution is to overhaul the way in which houses are marketed, both for sale and to let by changing the way agents themselves operate.

A more market friendly method is required so that house prices can be attuned more towards peoples ability to pay, with less of the speculative pricing by agents, whom currently act only for the vendor legally. It is this which requires urgent attention.

A more transparent housing market would not only take the froth out of asking prices but would have the added effect of calming rent levels too. For more information please go to the link below:

My proposal for the way housing in England and Wales should be marketed, is based on changing from vendor-centric estate agencies to buyer-oriented ones as described in The House Price Solution. This would not cost much to implement and would bring massive benefits to all local marketplaces.

What do you think about this idea for drastically improving the operation of all housing markets potentially across the whole of Britain?

Constructive comments are very much welcomed.